A 7" single from Scottish indie group Life Without Buildings, originally released as a CD in the year 2000, this 7" came out the following year in 2001; same tracks though. I believe 'Young Offenders' is a different version that what appears on their album.
The only single by another California emo group, Cambria, released on Dieselhead Records in 1994. Kinda lo-fi indie-rock-ish that can get a modicum of loud at times.
The only single by this California emo group, The Pennikurvers, released on Dieselhead Records in 1995. Bordering on the line of indie-rock, I love this kind of stuff. Not too many of the "screamo-emo" bands hold up for me in my later years that I would listen to in my youth..it's more along these lines. Jangling guitars and vocals on the softer side.