Saturday, December 24, 2016

TEST     TEST     TEST     TEST      TEST

Hi to all. I'm going to post random and mostly forgotten musical recordings from no specific era and of no specific genre or origin (but most likely pop and from the 60s-90s in some way). Just random scraps and rubbish I have collected here on the interweb over the years from various sources such as blogs, p2p clients, torrents, etc. Sharing what has been shared with me. Strictly for listening pleasure and personal use only !! All credits go to the original artists and the original rippers. I'm not going to worry too much about making this look any kind of fancy. I will try to upload the best quality that has been made available to me (at times this may vary, as well as be various file formats, but mostly be mp3s). I just want to have an outlet to share. If by chance I post anything in which you would request be removed just email me at If a link were to die and you request it be re-posted, just leave a comment. Thank you and Enjoy!

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